College Ready: The Importance of Power of Attorney and Health Care Directives for College Students

As you’re getting your student ready to go to college or go back to college for another year it’s important to make sure that they not only have all their dorm room essentials but also have the essential legal documents that all adults need in place. Two of the most crucial documents for young adults are a Power of Attorney (POA) and a Healthcare Directives. Here’s why every college student needs to have these legal protections in place.

Understanding Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows someone you trust to manage your financial and legal affairs if you are unable to do so yourself. This person, known as your agent, can handle various tasks such as managing bank accounts, paying bills, and handling other financial responsibilities.

Why College Students Need a Power of Attorney

1. Unexpected Emergencies: Accidents or sudden illnesses can happen to anyone, including college students. If a student becomes incapacitated, having a POA ensures that someone they trust can step in to manage their financial affairs without delay.

2. Out-of-State Situations: Many college students attend schools far from home. In such cases, having a POA allows a trusted person back home to take care of urgent matters that may arise in the student’s absence.

3. Simplifying Financial Management: A POA can simplify financial management by allowing a parent or guardian to assist with tasks such as tuition payments, managing bank accounts, and handling other financial responsibilities.

Understanding Healthcare Directives

A Healthcare Directive, also known as a Living Will, is a legal document that outlines a person’s wishes regarding medical treatment if they become unable to communicate their decisions. It also allows the appointment of a health care agent to make medical decisions on their behalf.

Why College Students Need a Healthcare Directive

1. Medical Emergencies: In the event of a serious accident or sudden illness, a Healthcare Directive ensures that a student’s medical preferences are known and respected. It also designates a trusted individual to make decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so.

2. HIPAA Privacy Regulations: Health privacy laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), restrict access to a patient’s medical information. Without a Healthcare Directive, parents may face difficulties obtaining information about their adult child’s medical condition. This document grants them the necessary authorization. It also allows parents to do things like make medical appointments on their student’s behalf so they can have all that taken care of when they are home during breaks. 

3. Peace of Mind: Having a Healthcare Directive provides peace of mind for both the student and their family. Knowing that there is a clear plan in place for medical emergencies can alleviate stress and uncertainty during challenging times.


While it might not be the first thing on their minds, college students should consider the importance of having a Power of Attorney and a Healthcare Directive. These legal documents offer protection and peace of mind in unexpected situations, ensuring that their financial and medical affairs are managed according to their wishes. By planning ahead, students can focus on their education and new experiences with confidence, knowing they are prepared for whatever the future may hold. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with setting up a Power of Attorney or Health Care Directive, our team at Willow Legal Group is here to help. Contact us today to ensure you and your loved ones are protected. Simply call (240) 813-8843 or schedule an appointment here to get started.