Willow Legal Group’s Core Values – Part 1

You can learn a lot about the businesses you work with by understanding their core values. Core values are the deeply ingrained principles that guide a company’s actions and serve as the cultural cornerstone of the company. As we were forming Willow Legal Group we spent a lot of time thinking about what values would guide our firm and how we would interact with each other, our clients and our community. In this two part series we will dive into each of our core values and what they mean to each of us.

Families First

We are moms and wives and family is at the heart of our values. This means that during the week our hours may be shorter than other law firms so that we can be present for our kids after school. But it also means that we recognize that family schedules don’t always fit into a 9-5 work day and so we provide a variety of scheduling options, including nights and weekends, to meet our client’s schedules. Family first also means that we help you create an estate plan that is customized for your family, whatever that family looks like for you, and that we are here to assist your family during the life of your estate plan.

“I spent the first part of my legal career trying to work like I wasn’t a mom and parent like I wasn’t working – it was exhausting. It is important to me to be clear with everyone that I am both a mom and a lawyer and there’s an ebb and flow to how I show up in each role sometimes. Also, one of the things I love about estate planning is that when we work with clients we help them discover what’s best for their whole family and can be a resource to their family in the long term.” –

– Megan

“Family is at the heart of our practice. As wives and moms, we strive to create and maintain a work-life balance for ourselves and our team that allows us to serve our clients, as well as be present for our families. We also aim to develop meaningful relationships with our clients and their families so we can support them with whatever life throws their way.”

– Lindsay

Be Part of The Community

We are a client-centered firm and that includes the community where we do business. You will see Willow Legal Group as a partner in community events  and will see Lindsay and Megan involved in local groups such as our school’s PTA or the Olney Cropdusters. We are committed to be active participants in our community organizations and to give back to the communities we serve.

“A strong community means stability – a necessary factor in one’s ability to thrive. Being part of the community means more than hanging a shingle. It means developing relationships with our neighbors, supporting local businesses, law enforcement, fire departments, and being involved in community events. It means taking care of our clients and our staff, and looking out for each other.”

– Lindsay

“People weren’t intended to be self-sufficient islands. We need each other and we need to show up for one another. Being part of the community means showing up for each other, actively participating in the groups where we are members, and supporting the people and businesses around us.”

– Megan

A Commitment to Well-Being

We believe that well-being is a state of health, happiness and prosperity.  We believe it is important to support the physical, financial and emotional wellness of our clients, families and community. We are also focused on the well-being of the firm which involves working together as a team to improve our client experience, grow the business and support each other. You’ll notice our weekly newsletter includes a wellness tip for the week and we are looking forward to partnering with other professionals who support our client’s physical, financial and emotional wellness to provide learning and support for client’s and their families.

“We aim to provide our clients, staff and community with resources to address their mental, physical and financial well-being. These are critical factors when needing to utilize an estate plan or when planning for the care of an older family member.”

– Megan

“Taking care of yourself and others is a critical part of your overall wellness and quality of life. Your wellbeing is more than just your physical health. It also includes your mental health and your financial and legal health. Our goal is to provide resources for our clients, staff and local communities that support them in strengthening their overall wellbeing.”

– Lindsay

Next week in Part 2 we’ll share more about our other values: leading with humanity and kindness, speak with candor, and a warm welcome. 

Our goal is to make the estate planning process easy. We know that estate planning can be overwhelming and many people don’t know where to start. So, we have simplified the process to make it less scary and allow you to gain peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are taken care of if anything were to happen to you. We see estate planning as a gift to yourself and your family and we work with you to make the best decisions for your family. Contact us today to schedule a free 15 minute consultation to learn how we can help. 

1 thought on “Willow Legal Group’s Core Values – Part 1”

  1. Pingback: Willow Legal Group’s Core Values – Part 2 – Willow Legal Group

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