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Onley Special Needs Lawyer: Why You Should Take the Time to Create a Legal Plan Now
If you have a child with special needs, you may be tempted to assume that if something happens to you or your partner, your other children will take care of their sibling. However, it’s important to take the time now to create a legal plan for your...
Olney Elder Law Attorneys: Financial Strategies for Caring for Aging Loved Ones
As our family members age, taking care of their financial and medical needs becomes increasingly important. Having conversations about the realities of aging early on can help ease the emotional stress that comes with it – providing a cushion for...
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Olney Will Lawyers Answer, “Can an Email Serve as My Last Will and Testament?”
When it comes to estate planning, many people wonder if they can simply write their wishes down in an email and have it be considered a legal Last Will and Testament. While it’s true that technology has made it easier than ever to communicate our...
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Olney Estate Attorney on the Dangers of DIY Planning - Especially When You Have a Child with Special Needs!
With today’s technology, access to information is literally in the palm of our hands. From your cell phone, you can download manuals to repair a washing machine that’s thirty years old or watch step-by-step video tutorials that will teach...
Olney Probate Lawyer: Legal Planning Steps to Take When a Loved One Enters Hospice Care
When a loved one enters hospice care, it can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. One of the most important things to consider is estate planning—which can help ensure that your loved one’s wishes are honored and surviving family members are financially...