
Focus on Complete Wellness
When we talk about “wellness,” at Willow Legal Group  we are referring to the idea of complete wellness. To us, wellness doesn’t just mean your physical and mental health. Those are certainly two aspects of complete wellness, but there...
Family Asset Protection Trusts - A Gift For Generations
What if we told you that you could protect your children’s inheritance from claims made by his or her spouse, against creditors who may sue your child over negligent acts (like drinking and driving, texting and driving, or bad business decisions) and...
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5 Reasons People Don’t Have  an Estate Plan
Studies show that nearly 62% of Americans don’t have an estate plan. When we ask people if there is a specific reason they haven’t planned, we generally get one or two of the same reasons. For most people, their reasons are based on a misconception about...
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A Lasting Legacy - National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. While we never expect to find ourselves in an emergency situation, a crisis can strike anytime,...
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How to Choose the Right Fiduciaries - Part 2
One of the most important aspects of your estate plan is your fiduciaries. Fiduciaries are the people you appoint to act on your behalf. Your estate plan may include some or all of the following: Personal Representative (also known as an executor),guardian...