
Expect the Unexpected With Special Needs Planning
Expect the Unexpected: An Olney Special Needs Lawyer's Guide to Contingency Planning
As parents of children or adults with special needs, we often find ourselves lost in thought about their future. We picture a world where they’re safe, happy, and well-cared for, even when we’re no longer around to guide them. But here’s...
Different People for Different Roles
College Ready: The Importance of Power of Attorney and Health Care Directives for College Students
As you’re getting your student ready to go to college or go back to college for another year it’s important to make sure that they not only have all their dorm room essentials but also have the essential legal documents that all adults need in place....
Protecting Your Heart and Home
Olney Estate Lawyer: Protecting Your Home (and Your Heart) in Later-Life Marriages
Finding love later in life is a beautiful thing. But sometimes, the realities of life and past decisions can throw a wrench into the fairy tale. A common scenario I encounter as an Olney estate lawyer involves couples where one spouse moves into a home...
Safeguarding Assets as a Doctor
Olney Asset Protection Lawyer: Safeguarding Your Future as a Physician
If you’re a new doctor building your practice or a seasoned physician branching out on your own, it’s time to give serious thought to asset protection planning. Did you know that doctors are among the top professionals targeted in lawsuits?...
Estate Planning For Single Parents
Olney Estate Planning: Protecting Your Children When You're Their Only Parent
As a single parent, your plate is already full. You’re juggling work, childcare, school activities, and maybe even a bit of “me time” (if you’re lucky!). It’s understandable that estate planning might not be at the top of...